The Best Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon Recipe - Recipe: Delicious Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon

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Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon Recipe.

Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon You can have Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon using 5 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. The Best Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon Recipe - How to Prepare Yummy Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon

Ingredients of Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon Recipe

  1. Prepare 4 of cuts Lightly salted salmon (I use sockeye salmon).
  2. Prepare 4 of wedges Lemon.
  3. Prepare 1 of Extra virgin olive oil.
  4. You need 1 of Coarsely ground black pepper.
  5. You need 1 of Salt (optional).

Easy Italian-Style Salted Salmon instructions

  1. Grill the lightly salted salmon..
  2. Drizzle extra virgin olive oil, a dash of coarsely ground black pepper, squeeze lemon juice, and it's ready to serve..
  3. Season with salt to taste..