The Best Foil Grilled Salmon Recipe - How to Cook Delicious Foil Grilled Salmon

Recipes Heal Delicious, fresh.

Foil Grilled Salmon Recipe.

Foil Grilled Salmon You can have Foil Grilled Salmon using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that. The Best Foil Grilled Salmon Recipe - Recipe: Perfect Foil Grilled Salmon

Ingredients of Foil Grilled Salmon Recipe

  1. Prepare 1 can of CAMPBELL'S Condensed Low Fat Cream of Celery soup.
  2. It's 1 of lemon (juiced).
  3. It's 1/4 bunch of fresh dill.
  4. It's 2 cup of sliced mushrooms.
  5. You need 2 cup of mixed thinly sliced vegetables (carrots, celery & peppers).
  6. You need 6 small of fillets fresh salmon.
  7. Prepare 1 of coarsely ground pepper.

Foil Grilled Salmon step by step

  1. mix soup with lemon juice. set aside.
  2. combine mushrooms with sliced vegetables.
  3. place even amounts of vegetable mixture onto Centre of each 6" aluminum foil squares.
  4. top each with a salmon fillet and season with pepper and a dash of Dill and sauce.
  5. seal foil tightly around edges to form pouches and place with seam up to cook.
  6. grill on barbecue at 500°F for around 15minutes.
  7. open foil pouches carefully to avoid steam.