The Best Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon Recipe - Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon

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Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon Recipe.

Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon You can have Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it. The Best Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon Recipe - Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon

Ingredients of Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon Recipe

  1. It's 300 ml of Water.
  2. You need 1 of fillet Lightly-salted salmon.
  3. Prepare 1 of rice bowl worth Plain cooked rice.
  4. You need 30 grams of Mushrooms of your choice (I used shimeji mushrooms).
  5. It's 1 of roughly 10 cm worth Japanese leek.
  6. It's 5 of to 6 Mitsuba.
  7. Prepare 1 of Egg.
  8. You need 2 tbsp of Mentsuyu.
  9. You need 1 of Mirin (to spread on salmon before heating).

Easy Rice Porridge with Salmon instructions

  1. Brush mirin on the salmon. Grill well on both sides. Also refer to..
  2. Shred shimeji mushrooms. Thinly slice the Japanese leek diagonally. Cut the mitsuba into 2cm. Beat the eggs. Rinse rice in a colander, then drain..
  3. Add water into an earthen pot. Add the mentsuyu, Japanese leek, and shimeji mushrooms. Bring to a boil, and simmer for 1 to 2 minutes. Add the drained rice..
  4. Here's the finished salmon. They're actually tasty as it is. Remove any skin and bones. Flake and add to the pot from Step 3. Mix well..
  5. Stir in the eggs. Turn the heat off immediately. Scatter mitsuba to finish. Serve directly from the pot while it's still hot..